Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Journey Begins...

    Today I begin a journey.  Today I make a commitment.  It's 40 days long.  I am going to read through and ponder Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life".  I know this book came out over a decade ago and it was super popular with Christians all over the world.  Churches were doing the study together.  Everyone was on the purpose driven bandwagon.  I wasn't ready to embark on this particular journey back then.    But today, at age 37, newly single after 15 years of marriage, a little banged-up and worn, craving direction and purpose and a life that is more than surviving, I am open to what God will show me.  And I expect great things - wondrous, wisdom-y things to come from this journey.  Proverbs 11:28 (Msg) says "A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree."  Am I the only one who thinks that sounds really good?  I want my life to be like a flourishing tree!  A wise man I once knew told me, "We are either green and growing or ripe and rotting."  I definitely want the green and growing!
    Now, anyone who knows me will know that doing anything 40 days in a row is a high goal for me, as consistency is not my strongest suit.  But I am going to give it the "ol' college try" as they say and go for it. And I thought it might be good to chronicle this journey and share what I am learning as I go, thus the creation of this new blog - Living BeauTIFFleigh.  (BTW, the blog's name comes from a combo of my name, Tiffany Leigh, and my desire to live beautifully.)   So, that's the background on what this is all about.  And so now, the journey begins....